What is a house connection branch HCB?
- A house connection branch is the sewer branch from the authority’s sewer main that enters into the property to connect to the HCD.
What is a house connection drain HCD?
- A house connection drain is the sewer system within the property, connecting the sanitary fixtures to the HCB.
Who is responsible for the HCB & HCD?
- If the sewer blockage is in the house connection drain (HCD), the property owner is responsible.
- If the sewer blockage is in the house connection branch (HCB), or beyond, the sewer authority is responsible.
What is a Property Sewerage Plan?
- A Property Sewerage Plan 9PSP) is a sketch of the drain & fixture locations on a property.
- The sewer authorities have copies of the property services plan on their files which can be purchased online.
- It will assist Longbeach plumbing in clearing the sewer blockage by having a copy available on site
How do I know where the sewer blockage is?
- It is difficult for the lay person to assess the location of the sewer blockage as the sewage overflow is rarely located at the discharge point of the drain blockage.
- Longbeach plumbing can assess the site to for the layout of the H.C.D & confirm the position of the HCB.
- If the location of the sewer blockage is unclear, Longbeach plumbing can make an assessment by using a hydro jetter or pipe camera to determine if the blocked drain is in the HCD or the HCB.
Why are Inspection shafts and boundary traps important?
- If an inspection shaft (IS) or boundary trap (BT) was originally constructed in the HCD, the plumbing code states this point should remain at surface level at all times.
- An IS / BT at surface level allows for easy, quick inspections & cleaning of the sewer pipes.
- The inspection shaft or boundary shaft should be located & inspected to enable the sewer blockage to be cleared effectively.
- The sewer authorities will not attend to clear a sewer blockage in the HCB until the IS or BT is exposed.
What if I call a plumber & the sewer blockage is in the sewer authority pipe?
- The sewer authorities require the property owner to indentify the location of the blockage.
- Longbeach plumbing offers a service which is chargeable to the property owner for hydro jet or rodding of the HCD, which is necessary to determine the location of the pipe blockage.
- If Longbeach plumbing determines that the pipe blockage is in the sewer authorities section. Longbeach plumbing will notify the sewage authority about the pipe blockage in the HCB& arrange for the sewer authority to attend at no additional cost to property owner.
- If Longbeach plumbing clears the HCD pipes or digs to find your inspection shaft / boundary trap, the property owner is responsible for the cost of this work.
What is Combined Sewer?
- Combined sewers are common in unit developments & older areas of Melbourne. A combined drain has two or more dwelling connected to the HCD with one HCB connection to the sewer authorities main.
- When a sewer blockage is in a combined sewer. Longbeach Plumbing will require access to the yard with the IS or BT, if there is one on the property.