When high water pressure is present, using a pressure reducing valve (PRV) becomes critical. A PRV is typically recommended if your water pressure exceeds 500 kPa (approximately 72.5 psi). High water pressure can lead to several issues with your plumbing system and tapware:

  1. Tapware Damage: Excessive water pressure can damage tapware, causing leaks and reducing the lifespan of your taps and mixers.
  2. Water Waste: High pressure can result in increased water flow from taps, leading to wastage and higher water bills.
  3. Noise: High water pressure can cause noisy operation of tapware, such as banging or hammering sounds, which can be disruptive and indicate potential damage.
  4. Inconsistent Flow: Fluctuating water pressure can result in inconsistent water flow from taps, affecting everyday tasks like washing hands or dishes.
  5. Safety Concerns: Extremely high pressure can pose safety risks, especially in the case of scalding water from taps.

Installing a pressure reducing valve can help regulate the water pressure, protecting your tapware and plumbing system from damage. It’s advisable to have a professional plumber assess your water pressure and install a PRV if necessary to ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your tapware.