1. Corrosion: Over time, pipes can corrode due to the water’s chemical composition, leading to weakened pipe walls and eventual ruptures.
  2. Aging Infrastructure: Many towns have older water infrastructure with pipes past their expected lifespan, making them more prone to leaks and bursts.
  3. Freezing Temperatures: Cold weather can cause water inside pipes to freeze, expand, and exert pressure on the pipe walls, leading to bursts.
  4. High Water Pressure: Excessively high water pressure can stress pipes, causing them to rupture. Pressure-regulating systems help mitigate this issue.
  5. Ground Shifts: Changes in the soil, such as shifts or settling, can put stress on underground water pipes, potentially leading to pipe fractures.
  6. Tree Roots: Tree roots seeking water sources can penetrate and damage underground pipes, leading to cracks or ruptures.
  7. Physical Damage: Excavation work, construction, or vehicular accidents can cause physical damage to water pipes, leading to bursts.
  8. Water Hammer: Water hammer occurs when water flow is abruptly stopped or redirected, causing shockwaves in the pipes. Over time, this can damage pipe joints and lead to bursts.
  9. Water Quality: Poor water quality with high levels of contaminants or aggressive minerals can accelerate pipe corrosion, making them more susceptible to bursting.
  10. Overloading: Increased demand on water pipes, such as during peak usage times or due to an aging system’s inability to meet demands, can stress pipes and result in bursts.